Quarantine Madness

 Hi yall. 

Assalamualaikum n salam sejahtera..

Been a while since I posted anything right? Blog ni aku buat masa aku umur 16 tahun. A lot of cringy stuffs aku terpksa buang but it's okay. Kita semua pernah lalui zaman2 baru nak up(talking about 90's kids). 

  Life checkkkk~ Aku dah kawin! Ada anak sorang, cute smart and full of mischiveous deeds. Hari2 aku sapu lantai and mop the floor cuz I hate dirty floor lagi kalo melekit. Anak aku selamba kasi tumpah air manis and she laughed when I became an annoying mak yg membebel. Haha so stay tune to hear more.

Kaka is her nickname. Yes, my first born descendant is a she. A princess was born just before the first MCO was announced. She was born in Oct 2019.. so korang boleh bayangkan x aku plan mau bawa family kecik aku travel tp cancel sbb c covid ni? Dugaannn.. 


  So, sekitar tahun 2020 mmg aku sentiasa stay-at-home mom. Nothing new bila PM kesayangan aku umumkan no outdoor activities. Aku boleh sj dgn aman stay di rumah(mula2 sj tu) until I get bored and pujuk laki aku bawa aku keluar beli brg. Masa tu MCO(pkp laa kan) x strict sgt jd anak2 boleh keluar tp lps kes naik mendadak, keluar utk grocery shopping pun x dpt. 

 Honest thoughts? aku jd depressed. Aku cepat marah & aku cepat overthinking. Aku nak salahkan siapa? Nobody. Sebab ni dari kepala aku sendiri. Aku salahkan diri sndiri sbb x control makan time PKP jd dr berat badan ideal, naik ke---- berat mata memandang berat lagi bahu memikul. Ada masa tertentu aku jadi gila shopping online sampai aku order brg almost every month. Parah kan? This is what we are facing now. No wonder la knp ramai boycott stgh courier(no name ya faham2 sendiri) sbb kita overbuying stuffs yg kita x perlu tetapi dibeli atas dasar bosan terperuk di rmh. 

Hopefully we could stay cool and cari hobby yg x membazir. Spend quality time with family members and jgn lupa workout guys. Stay safe and don't leave your house kecuali penting sahaja. 

Xoxo, Ibu kaka


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